As a plus size girl, with big eyes, big lips, big booty, and even bigger boobs, I have been sexualized since puberty, and modelling in boudoir sessions allowed me to take my power back - truly OWN my sexuality, and not let others take advantage of me or change the narrative.
Through this I realized, I dream of empowering individuals, embracing our bodies exactly how they are at every age, stage, and phase of our lives, and shaking up the world we currently live in! And so my photography journey began...

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“I have collaborated with Renata in photoshoots as models together and now as her model. One of my absolute fav aspects of HMP is the goal to OWN your sexuality, to take back your power (especially as a woman), and to embrace all that you are without feeling like you need to be shy about it. The photos I got back are INCREDIBLE. Sexy, raw, and most importantly, they were me. If you are looking for someone to not only embrace your beauty, but the wild sensual part of your soul, Renata is it!”

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